Sunday, 8 May 2011

Away Days

So, I haven't posted in a while, no particular reason other than I haven't had too much to talk about.
There was the whole AV referendum which I was going to post about but then just, well, didn't.

Anyway, that's all over with now and FPTP is staying as the electoral form for this country, by a very large margin of the public vote.

The football season is over now and Pompey are staying in the Championship for another season. The last few results haven't been amazing, as for the games, neither were they. But, I travelled to Scunthorpe yesterday for our last game of the season and there are some things I want to write about this.
The journey up there was pretty simple, we got stuck on the M1 just outside Chesterfield due to an accident and as we went past, realised the roof had been cut off the car but no idea what had happened.
For any League 1 team supporters, Glanford Park could not be easier to get to. As your on the road into Scunthorpe you can see the floodlights, then as you go into the roundabout you can see the gates.
So we parked up and then had 2 hours to kill. We walked back through the gates and over to the shops that are located next to the ground. These included; Tesco 24hour, Toys'R'Us, TKMaxx and some others. There isn't much else to do around this area so we went back to the stadium and waited for the gates to open.
The inside of the ground is quite nice, completely enclosed and very close to the pitch. The only problem with this is that if the ball is struck at goal and misses, it flies straight into the fans at incredible pace, so be careful.
After a very dull game and a lucky 1-1 draw we went back to the car to wait for the crowd to die down. We met a nice family from Scunthorpe, of which the father was actually a Pompey fan as his dad was from Portsmouth. Shook our heads at the drunken idiots shouting abuse across the car park, then made our way back home.

All in all it was a very enjoyable day out and now Ive been to Scunthorpe I never have to go back!!

That's all I'm going to write about today, I'm sure Ill come back t annoy you again soon.
Thanks for reading.

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